Healthy Buddha bowls, the basics on how to prepare one and why they are a great time and money saving meal;

Do you always see these lovely presented healthy bowls all over facebook and Instagram and not sure how to put one together or think they take ages to create. Buddha bowls are definitely one of the trendy foods at the minute, as they can be really vibrant and colourful and there is just an endless amount of ingredients you can add to them…..

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Back to porridge and it really is back to porridge with schools returning and no more bank holidays to Christmas (sorry for being soo depressing!) why not make a fresh start with the new routine and provide your whole family with a warming wholesome and nutritious breakfast every morning…..

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Looking for something tasty to eat this bank holiday Monday why not give this delicious roasted beetroot and caramelised red onion lentil salad with a yummy sweet tahini dressing a go! Roasting beetroot is a game changer I would never have of thought to do it, but it’s absolutely delicious as it goes crisp and caramelises beautifully in the oven….

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Delicious scrambled eggs mushroom spinach dukkah brunch

Don’t fancy queuing or rushing through brunch with time restrictions placed on tables in coffee shops these days! Why not give this recipe a go, scrambled eggs on hot buttery toasted gluten free bread, topped with spinach and mushrooms, and sprinkled with that warming earthy dukkah spice, and crumble over some salty feta to balance the flavour!

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Gary WintersMagic-Meals

Worried about sitting in a coffee shop with the COVID-19 still present among us, but missing all those lovely brunches and the take-aways from the coffee shop just not the same!

Why not get creative in the kitchen and make this beautiful gluten free flat bread wrap topped with mushrooms, spinach, sundried tomatoes, melted mozzarella, runny poached eggs and drizzled with fresh basil pesto, sound good? See you really can have pizza for breakfast! Why not impress your friends or family with a special brunch this weekend! If you don’t like any of these toppings switch it up as the ingredients you can add are endless, so great creative! Don’t let Corona virus stop you enjoying your delicious brunches and coffee!

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Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

Continuing on the sweet theme this weekend, why not make yourself a treat and try these delicious chocolate peanut butter balls, they are delish and I must warn it will be hard to stop at one! Perfect little pick me up with your coffee or tea! 😊

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Gary Winters
Chocolate Hazelnut Porridge

Happy FriYAY…… with the change in the weather, I thought I might share a lovely warming bowl of chocolate hazelnut porridge, we all deserve something a bit sweeter… its nearly the weekend after all 😊

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Gary Winters
Thai Chicken Noodle Salad

Salads don’t have to be boring, liven up those salad leaves with this tasty thai chicken noodle salad, which is packed full of flavour. Its gluten free, healthy, high protein and the dressing is not calorie laden. Delicious for lunch or even a light dinner especially with the lovely warm weather 😊

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Gary Winters
Bank Holiday Brunch inspo!!

Bank holiday AGAIN 😊 and if you fancy taking advantage of the lie in and treating yourself to a lovely lazy brunch, why not give this delicious recipe a go, it tastes amazing and is really easy to make!

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Gary Winters
Eating in season will save you money and will taste that bit better….

Ever heard of the expression ‘eat the season’ but not sure what it means and how you go about achieving it. Try and keep it simple and don’t over complicate your meals, the foods will speak for themselves when they are in season, as they taste that bit better. Eating seasonal food will mean your food is fresher and will be more nutritious as you are eating it when it is at its optimum and not when it has flown half-way around the world to arrive in the supermarket.

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Do you use your freezer to help you save time??

Using your freezer to your advantage can save you so much time and I don’t mean stocking it with frozen ready meals, pizza’s and ice cream! If you plan ahead you can have your freezer stocked with nutritious healthy meals so you won’t get caught out or be tempted to just order takeaway when you are busy with life and struggling to find time to prepare a dinner or even go food shopping.

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Bank holiday brunch idea!

We LOVE brunch, and if you are a bit like me and missing my weekend brunch during this lockdown, here’s a really flavoursome recipe to jazz up those eggs and toast…. So why not give it a go this long bank holiday weekend and bring back the brunch deliciousness 😊

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Gary Winters